Prompt: Knight of Pentacles & Two of Pentacles

“All I wanted to do was study! Now I’m stuck on this stupid yacht with a bunch of people I don’t even know!” She refused to let the tears fall from her eyes.

He shrugged. “Then I guess you might as well have some fun, huh?”

For today’s prompt, I drew the Knight of Pentacles from True Black Tarot and the Two of Pentacles from The Happy Tarot.

The first thing I noticed on the Knight of Pentacles’ image was the book in her hand. This card is about being hardworking, responsible, and steady. This archetype doesn’t make bold moves or take action with a ton of fast energy. Their motto might be, “Slow and steady wins the race.”

My eye also lingered on the tough armor with huge antlers, dripping money. That brought to mind an overachiever. Someone dedicated to their studies, focused on long term success and stability.

But the Two of Pentacles is about adaptability and fun. It can indicate the need to prioritize, and often shows up when there’s a need to adjust what part of life is receiving the most attention. And when my eyes fell on the cute little paper boats in the background, I thought about that strong, responsible individual represented by the Knight being suddenly thrown into a state of flux. Maybe they’d be forced out of their studious comfort zone into some random fun.

What if our student ended up on a boat? No, scratch that. A yacht! A yacht-party? How did they get there? Why didn’t they know that’s where they were headed? Who is the other person that brought our Knight along?

I love a prompt that generates interesting questions!

How would you answer the questions above? What other questions are sparked in your mind? What elements of the cards stand out to you the most? Comment below!

P.S. The first of the Six Pillars of Story is Premise. In Plot You Novel with Tarot, we dive deep into how to craft an interesting premise in the very beginning! Enroll before registration closes if you’re interested!