Prompt: Seven of Pentacles & King of Wands

“What are you doing?! You do realize interrupting this spell could kill him, right?”

“Interrupt him? What are you talking about? He’s been in there since yesterday!”

“Since yesterday?” He blinked. Hard. “You are such a novice. This spell is going to take all month.”

This prompt is derived from the Seven of Pentacles from the Wild Unknown Tarot and the King of Wands from the Light Seer’s tarot.

The Seven of Pentacles is related to assessment. It indicates work has been put in on some project or toward a specific aim and now it’s time to figure out if things are developing as they should. Has the progress been as expected? Has it fallen short? Are you still invested?

The way the pentacles ascend on the card made me think of building something up, little by little, over a long period of time.

Then I looked at the King of Wands and the little crown of fire floating above his staff just made me think of magic. (Which, probably isn’t surprising considering my preferred genre is fantasy.) How would a magical master perform his or her spells? Would they be really quick and intense, or gradually build up?

A scene came to mind of two people looking at a hut. One wanted to enter, and the second person stopped the first. Then it was explained that this master magician was in the middle of a spell and couldn’t be disturbed. The novice had no idea magic could take longer than a few minutes. Aren’t miraculous solutions supposed to be instant?

Maybe. Maybe not. As the writer, it’s up to you to choose.

What intrigues you about the cards above? What do you like most about the prompt? What do you like least? Where would you take this story? What visuals come to mind?

Comment below!