Prompt: Wheel of Fortune & Temperance

What do you see in the cards above? How do the colors make you feel? What stands out the most? Does anything “not feel right” or “off?”

I pulled a card from The Wild Unknown Tarot and a card from The Light Seer’s Tarot for today’s writing prompt, which is:

When Fate suddenly becomes unable to thread her needle, she angrily incarnates to kill the person who’s string refuses to be cut.

The Wheel of Fortune represents cycles of change and things we cannot control. Temperance is an indication of divine timing, moderation, and experimenting. The wings on Temperance made me think of divine, angelic beings. That led to me thinking of goddesses and gods.

Eventually, I thought, “What if the divine being who controls everyone else’s fate, suddenly had to learn the lesson of the Wheel of Fortune? How would they react? With amusement? With anger? Shame?”

When you write with tarot cards, it’s almost like playing the game, “Word Association,” where one person starts off saying a random word, and the next has to respond with the very first thing that comes to mind in response. If you hesitate, you’re out.

That game forces you to stop “thinking about thinking” and be totally present instead. So, if you’re present with the images, what do they make you think about? What would you be interested to write about, based on what you feel or see? If you were going to use this prompt, how would you make it your own?

Comment below, and share your thoughts!